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Questions? Contact iidanpc.inawardsentry@gmail.com for more information.



  • Project Statement - This can be more detailed than the Project Summary. 1000 word maximum
  • Project Summary - Up to one paragraph or four sentences maximum, to describe the project. This text will be read at the event if you win. 500 word maximum
  • Sustainability + Well-Being - How did your project address sustainability, climate change, or use well-being in the design and construction of the project? **Optional Field** 250 word maximum
  • Budget  - How does your project overcome the ordinary budget constraints or obstacles and how did that impact or ultimately enhance the overall design? **Optional Field** 250 word maximum
  • Relevancy  How does your project address relevant challenges to our current times (i.e. COVID, DEI, BLM, Unhoused persons)? **Optional Field** 250 word maximum
  • Project Details – Provide other significant project details.


  • Provide at least one floor plan in PDF format. These PDF’s must be CLEAN images (no titleblocks, captions, firm logos, etc.) Only one pdf per upload section (up to 10 floor plans can be provided.) Only include floor plans that support your narratives, additional floor plans are not required.
  • Provide at least 1 concept, schematic, or design development sketch (up to 5 can be uploaded to support the narrative.)
  • Provide at least 1 image of a Finish Legend or Project Finish Palette (up to 5 can be uploaded to support narrative.)
  • Provide a minimum of 4 Project Photos. Up to 8 Project Photos can be submitted - Max file size of 25 MB per upload.  Since this is an interior design competition, the images should primarily be of interior spaces.  If appropriate, include a maximum of 2 exterior images to establish context or show the relationship between interior & exterior if desired.  Logos, branding, and signage are often integrated into the interior environment, so it is acceptable to include them in project images. 
  •  Image 1 should be your best interior view - It will be used in contexts where there is only a single image from the project is presented.
  • Before uploading images, rename files in the following format:
    • "Project #" Image "#", for example "H07 Image #3"
    • Click on “In Progress” on the left to find your assigned project number, under the column “#”  
    • Resolution should be sufficient for large screen projection and web publishing. 
    • Do not add borders, etc., to the image. 
    • If you wish to add a caption, use the caption box provided. Do not include captions on image.

REMINDER: Remove any reference to your firm’s name or logos for all digital submissions.


  • Provide either an individual or team photo.
  • Include team member names and titles.
  • Project Team - If this project wins an award, this information will be included in the presentation, to recognize the overall team that produced the project. Be sure to identify your team and partners accurately. Project teams can include vendors, dealers, contractors, etc. Click "Add Team" to begin adding your first team.